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Systematic Withdrawal
Plan (SWP)

Bandhan SWP Features

A Systematic Withdrawal Plan, or SWP, is well suited to support you for a new kind of retirement. Just like investing in a systematic manner via SIP, you can choose to withdraw in a systematic manner to receive regular income via SWP.

The financial support of this regular income allows you to live your retired life like a second childhood - doing what you want without inhibition.

SWP could be ideal for those who have already accumulated a sizable amount of wealth and wish to invest and utilize it wisely to sustain their ideal life after retirement.

Bandhan SWP Features

Why systematic

Bandhan SWP Features


Being able to withdraw from your savings while the remaining corpus continues to grow.

Bandhan SWP Features


Getting returns that have the potential to beat inflation in the long term.

Bandhan SWP Features

Emergency Funds

Having access to your entire savings for unforeseen events.

Bandhan SWP Features

Cash Flow

Having regular withdrawals to replace your pre-retirement income.

Features of SWP

Beginning your SWP

Defer your SWP

Your withdrawals can start immediately after investing or you may choose to start withdrawing at a later date (deferred withdrawal)

Beginning your SWP

Intervals between withdrawals

You can choose to receive periodic withdrawals as per your preference (on a monthly/quarterly/half-yearly/annual basis)

Beginning your SWP

Plan withdrawal duration

You can decide the duration for which you wish to receive periodic withdrawals after retirement (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years etc)

Beginning your SWP

Type of withdrawal

The periodic withdrawals that you receive can be fixed or can be increased with a yearly top-up based on your financial needs.

It is likely that you may still have a balance amount at the end of your tenure, which is completely at your disposal - you may choose to spend it on yourselves, your children or grandkids or you may choose to donate.

Learn More

SWP Calculator

Please select an option and answer a few simple questions to
decide on the right plan for you.

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