Avoid the ‘tire’ in

With growing aspirations and more time to try new things, we are all looking to experience a whole new life of indulgence after retirement. For this, we need an approach that allows us to finance our whims and needs, uninterrupted.

The possibilities are endless when you have financial support and flexibility post retirement:

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Enjoy a second
childhood like Mr. Kapoor

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Treat your loved ones
like Mrs. Verma

Just like these investors, you can enjoy a retirement plan that lets you live out the motto -

Re-tire nahi.
Re-wire ho jaao.

Before we explore this new kind of retirement, let’s first understand some of the
challenges you may face and their potential solutions:

Challenges and solutions.

What you need to overcome them

Having longer lifespans but with limited savings.

Getting returns on investment that are higher than the rate of withdrawal from retirement savings.

Unforeseen expenses like medical bills, vacations, etc.

Investing in instruments that do not lock in your savings.

Inflation eating into your retirement savings.

Getting returns that beat the rate of inflation.

Having monthly expenses but receiving interest quarterly.

Investing in instruments that are well-suited for flexible cash flow.

Prepare for retirement

As a first step towards retirement, you may want to take stock of your income and expenditure to arrive at your regular requirement. In other words, let’s work out cash flows. To start with, it is important to follow the given 3 steps while planning for retirement.

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Set aside your savings for emergencies

If not done yet, then set aside some savings for emergencies like hospitalisation, especially if you are not covered under a health plan. Go for an investment avenue that is quickly accessible like liquid funds, overnight funds, savings accounts, etc.

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Estimate your spends

List down all of your expenses and liabilities including must spends as well as wishful spends, ideally for the next 10-15 years.

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Calculate your post-
retirement income

List down all your investments and expected sources of income (pension, rental income etc.) during your retirement.

You can use our Retirement Income Worksheet to estimate your monthly net income and understand whether it meets your financial needs:

Step 1: Income

Step 2: Expenses

Enter your monthly estimated inflows in ₹

Enter your monthly expenses in ₹

Total income: ₹XXXXX

Total expenses: ₹XXXXX

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Oops! You have an income shortfall of ₹XXXXX.

You can either cut down your expenses during retirement or invest today in options that have the growth potential to generate additional monthly income.

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Congratulations! You have an income surplus of ₹XXXXX.

Consider putting this extra money to work by investing it for your future.



Calculate Now

The above exercise is to provide a fair understanding of how your income and expenses stack up and to further aid you to plan for retirement.

With this, it is now worth exploring the various investment avenues available to you to invest and have a fulfilling retirement life.

Avenues of investing for retirement

Explore various options to invest your retirement savings into, depending on your
needs and the level of risk you are willing to take.

Know More

How about a systematic retirement?

In the world of investing in mutual funds, everyone talks about being systematic via SIP. Similarly, there is a way to simplify how we withdraw our accumulated savings for a retirement plan that we all aspire to have - Re-tire nahi. Re-wire ho jaao!

Know more

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